Working together we bring energy directly into your 3D stories. Our goal is to activate or expedite your process of expansion by increasing your capacity to see hidden pain stories in your mind/body and transform them into higher frequencies.
Antonia incorporates modalities of Western psychotherapy with Eastern Ayurveda, Yoga and Meditation. Throughout the session she is working energetically, bringing consciousness into hidden space and raising the vibration. She is also a certified Kambo practitioner and will incorporate this plant medicine in session and on retreat.
Antonia is currently booking into 2024.
2023 - 2024 DATES TBD
Our retreats in Mexico are principled in using medicine to open up our capacity to dive deeply into ourselves. We then bring in multiple modalities and platforms of safety and love to continue to deepen the healing and expansion.
One of the primary goals is to heal the deep wounds within, which are all founded upon ancient wounds of abandonment: not feeling seen, heard, or understood.
We explore and develop connections, community, and safe places that allow us to see ourselves, to bring awareness to the hidden, challenging parts of our reality so we can transform it into a higher expression of Self.
7-10 Day Retreats Consist of:
1-2 Days Of Plant Medicine
2-3 Days Of Silence
1-2x Daily Yoga
2x Daily Meditation
3 Daily Healthy Meals
Group Work
Individual Work With Antonia And Other Trained Psychotherapists
Energetic Work With Antonia And Other Facilitators
The focus of Antonia and all facilitators she invites to work with her is love, safety, and a supportive and extensive integration process of plant medicine work. Doing our deep work is not easy. We hold the space with kindness and deep seeing while encouraging you to go deeper into your inner wisdom.

Silent Yoga and Meditation Retreat
June 23-28, 2023
Zen on the River, Lewiston, NY
The Mind Cannot Compete with Consciousness...
During these five days we dive deep into the healing powers of silence and the higher vibrations of consciousness. Through extended meditation and the inward journeying of a silent retreat, we allow the wisdom of consciousness to penetrate deep into our stories, our wounds, and reveal and clear what has been hidden below awareness.
In silence we witness and observe instead of react. With nowhere to land, we can allow our inner dramas flow through. It is an opportunity to let go and allow our beings to do what they know how to do: Create order and wisdom, love and healing.
We are here to get underneath our egoic stories and patterns, and make our way back to our Selves.

MAY 22-29, 2023
Kawarthas, Ontario
The Mind Cannot Compete with Consciousness...
The richest part of any plant medicine journey is the integration. This is where we deepen the frequencies of the medicine into our beings, creating more profound and sustainable shifts.
The insights from medicine may come in a flash, but they stay when we get quiet and witness what comes into awareness. After medicine, the stories and the wounds surface more quickly. With assistance, we can bring awareness to the stories, creating opportunities to transform them into wisdom, into love. We create the space and safety to allow the new wisdom to penetrate more deeply into our beings, revealing our true Selves.Because we are here to fall in love with our Selves.
“We may need to feel the agony of our resistance to achieve the gift of our surrender.”
— Antonia