Dismantling The 3rd Dimension
Transforming our Trauma
on the Road from Tribe to Collective

Dismantling the 3rd Dimension
The Journey out of the 3rd dimension is to transform the multi-generational dense traumas of separation into higher frequencies of love. But first we need to see the pain to make it available for transformation. Unfortunately, trauma is the fuel for change in a time where we have mastered the egoic art of distraction.
We live in a compressed, limited reality that is now undergoing rapid expansion. Part of that expansion process requires us to see. We need to see the 3rd dimension for what it is in order to transform it into the next reality. The mere seeing of the 3D activates a process that launches us forward. That is an alchemy of awareness. I am here to offer a way into that seeing, a seeing that I have been creating with my clients for over 12 years. That seeing delivers the energy of consciousness into the density of the 3rd dimension, where we can do what I believe most of us are here to do; transform pain into light and suffering into love. I am here to contribute to the conversation for those on the journey out of the 3rd dimension.
I share harrowing experiences and glorious insights I have received over the last 16 years of my own accelerated emergence and the dissolving of hundreds of lifetimes of trauma. I am here to transmit a way of punching through resistance so that pain comes into view, shedding light on egoic stories and delusions of victimhood. From deep awareness we transform our suffering and receive the gifts of love and consciousness that are increasingly here for us to imbibe and feed the global healing. In truly seeing the pain we dissolve the old paradigm and open up the new one.
In the process of transformation I realized there is no separation, only our pain that tells us there is. Buddha stated all life is suffering. I no longer see that as a tragic reflection of human existence but as something to be embraced. At this time in history our giant well of painful human emotions will propel us into the next stage in our evolution. Pain is a 3D expression of separation in our very bodies and the fuel of the great evolutionary process. Suffering is the density that anchors us to this dimension.
What I have experienced is that most pain goes largely unseen. It is camouflaged by egoic objectives of avoidance. In the West, and particularly in North America, we have hearty systems of resistance and an unconscious investment in avoidance. Our entire social, economic, and political systems are constructed on infrastructures of not seeing. We unknowingly endure, manage or run from our suffering, locked in our 3D density.
Ego believes it needs to look away from pain to survive; avoid it, shame it, deny it. Through my personal and professional work I have discovered the great collective change asks us to look into pain to allow it to propel us forward in our evolution. We need to see it to stop listening to it, stop believing it. We need to go into the pain and take consciousness with us.
Dismantling the 3rd Dimension has received four prestigious Eric Hoffer Book Awards!
The Eric Hoffer Book Award was founded at the start of the 21st century (with permission from the Eric Hoffer Estate) to honor freethinking writers and independent books of exceptional merit, and since its inception, the Hoffer Award has grown to become one of the premiere international independent book awards. In addition to the grand prize, Hoffer honors are bestowed by press type and category, and also through the Montaigne Medal, da Vinci Eye, and First Horizon Award.
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You are invited to read the Addendum to the book simply by inquiring below.
At the time of publication, there was an additional chapter that I had not yet completed. This chapter shares some challenges that I went through as a physical being purging the 3D trauma from my body for sixteen-plus years. It outlines the weird and wild things the body will experience when it is shedding pain stories and adjusting to new energy levels. I was going through it myself and I could hardly believe they were happening. I will also share some tips that helped me through this uncomfortable process.
In particular, this chapter speaks to many of us who are emerging with big energies and are living in very dense areas on the planet where things do not move easily. I have often felt like I’m trying to cram Niagara Falls through a straw. There’s an increasing amount of energy coming through, and I believe the discomfort, at all levels of our being, can become heightened when we are adjusting to the new reality.
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"A boat gathering the ripples of a lake into one place. In that space is stillness.”
- Cyndi Dale, Author of The Subtle Body: Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Body, Energetic Boundaries,The Complete Book of Chakras, Energy Healing for Trauma, Stress and Chronic Illness
"Dismantling the 3D" explains, heals and awakens.
"Antonia’s book, “Dismantling the 3D" begins as a deep yet refreshing dive into the murky depths of the subconscious mind. From there, Antonia's exploration surfaces illuminating explanations for humanity’s disappointing behaviour, bad habits and the resulting pain and sorrow we all experience. She provides simple and powerful steps that enable the reader to awaken, transcend the physical world of suffering, and ascend to the comfort, joy and freedom of higher consciousness."
- Elizabeth Rose, BFA, CIM, CI, Author, Diamond Lantern, Waking-up to Who You Really Are
A fiery passionate book.
"This is a fiery, passionate book about pain—yours, mine, the pain of our ancestors, and the planet’s pain. It’s not an easy read, especially the first two chapters. But if you’re ready to dive deep into the dark in the process of transformation, Antonia is an able guide, a mystic who is professionally trained as a psychotherapist and touched by the universe to receive deep wisdom. Follow her lead to freedom. She offers the tools—self-inquiry exercises and meditations—to heal."
~Amy Weintraub, Author of Yoga for Depression, Yoga Skills for Therapists and the Yoga for Your Mood Deck.
This book offers a bold message of healing hope as extraordinary as it is unexpected.
"Antonia has a message for your pain and it needs to hear it. Taking a journey into our stories of pain might not sound like the most appealing thing to do, but with Antonia's guidance, insight and clarity I found it to be the route to transformation and healing that I didn't know I needed. In the pages of this book I found the strength I was looking for to view my pain closely with a new gaze of more hope and less suffering. In simple terms it taught me pain+love=transformation. In mystical terms it heals from a place beyond the 3rd Dimension, a place where words are not needed but somehow Antonia manages to find them anyway and share them in ways that might just help us all heal together."
~Neil Rogers
A beautiful book written with timeless wisdom.
"Antonia delivers timeless wisdom within every page of her book: Dismantling The 3rd Dimension. If this book has found you, it is a sign that you are ready to experience a reality of pure love where pain has been seen, heard, and transformed. This beautiful book is flavored with Divine essence —it has the taste of infinity that your heart has been longing for. Try it!"
~Valeria T. Koopman, Founder of Fit for Joy, Host of A Quest for Well-Being, Spiritual Coach, and Author
This book changed my life.
"This book changed my life. A dramatic sounding sentence to write perhaps, but a moving sensation to feel. Antonia taps into a fundamental truth, and her concise way of sharing it makes it both easy to access and enjoyable to read. Dismantling the 3rd Dimension offers practical ways to move forward and transmute your pain stories. There's no sugar-coating, but there doesn't need to be when you are guided with authentic compassion. This book will sit proudly on my shelf next to Chopra and Tolle, adding its wisdom to the collective and inviting me warmly back into its pages whenever I need to reconnect. I couldn't recommend it more."
~ Lisa Rose Snow, GLAAD Nominated, Canadian Screen Award Wining Film Maker
Well done Antonia!!!
"Who we are today is based on our experiences from our past. From the point of view of Eastern Philosophy, we are living our lives today from the effects of all previous causes, from the result of all past actions and influences. In many cases, today we are caught in a loop, or are stuck on a treadmill, and we relive past traumatic experiences, over and over again, simply set against the backdrop of current relationships and current life experiences. We seem stuck, and we seem unable to change. These relived experiences from our past appear to shape us and define us in the present moment. They seem to define our future.
But we always have the choice to initiate new causes to bring about new effects. And through our efforts now, in this present moment, we can not only minimize the effects of past traumas that we have allowed to define us; we can actually initiate a new paradigm of life affirmation actions that can transform us into a new dimension of awareness.
Antonia’s groundbreaking new book Dismantling the 3rd Dimension: Transforming our Trauma on the Road from Tribe to Collective, sets out the means for this to occur. Based on her own personal transformations, and the work she has done with her clients, Antonia lays out a simple but effective process that shows you how to ‘dismantle’ the influences from the past that appear to define you today. The web site that supports her book, TriveToCollective.com, provides step by step videos and instructions to guide you on your own journey of self-discovery, transformation and rebirth.
This process can be followed by anyone. But this healing journey takes commitment, an intention to change, and the courage not only to face the past, but to embrace a new dynamic future, where you have the freedom to be the person you always wanted to be. Antonia acknowledges that this journey can at times be uncomfortable, but it is at the same time magical. The journey transforms pain into love, dark into light, and encourages us to embrace our own new reality. The time is now."
“The teacher is the student. The healer is the patient.”
~ Tony Murdock, M.A., Meditation Facilitator
“There is nothing to solve or resolve. Nothing to fix.
And everything to see.”
— Antonia